Asana Summer Series

Asana Series

Learn about each of the major pose groups in detail for a safe and effective practice!


June 10, 1:30-4pm: Shoulders with Jessica Ausman

July 8, 1:30-4pm: Hip Openers with Daren Friesen

July 15, 1:30-4pm: Forward Folds with Faculty

July 22, 1:30-4pm: Backbends with Faculty

August 5, 1:30-4pm: Inversions with Faculty

August 12, 1:30-4pm: Reclining Poses & Savasana with Faculty

Each workshop includes a short history of the poses, its key tenets and practice principles, a short practice, the style’s approach to pranayama and meditation, question and answer and journaling. This workshop series is essential for the yogi interested in exploring all the various pose groups under the yoga umbrella.



Sat Jun 3, 2023 - Sat Aug 12, 2023


All Day