The Yoga of Relationship

The Yoga of Relationship
Workshop, Lecture & Inner Work

Everything in nature climbs to achieve its highest potential, capability, and power. The river flows wide. The oak tree grows tall and strong. The butterfly wisps in the wind. And each of us has a special mission, a special talent, a hidden ability. How can the oak tree grow strong and tall? Only when the oak tree has strong roots.

In this interactive workshop, you will discover…

  • Clarity of your purpose and mission
  • Lucidity of the stumbling blocks
  • Tools and techniques to overcome those blocks
  • A deeper connecting with your source of power

In this workshop we will cultivate happiness on all the levels of our being: physical, emotional, professional, financial and spiritual.

The tools that are used in this workshop include…

  • Life Coaching Techniques
  • Family Constellations Theory
  • Vedic Astrology & Psychology
  • Ayurveda & Yoga Principles

Discover through this workshop powerful ways to improve the quality of your life.






Sat Feb 22, 2020


12:00 am - 5:00 pm