Lupita Melendez

Lupita was born and raise in Guadalajara, Mexico and graduated from Universidad Del Valle de Atemajac with a Bachelor’s in Medicine in 2017. That’s when she realized the fascination by the human body and what is capable of doing. On 2015 she was diagnosed with Lupus, an autoimmune disease which was “really difficult to deal with physically and mentally” she states. It was in that exact moment that she connected with Yoga and realized a couple of the huge benefits yoga can offer. Lupita received her first yoga certification 200hr at “The Yoga Lab” in Guadalajara, Mexico.
She currently hold a license as Certified Personal Trainer by ISSA and she recently got certified as a flexologist by the Institute for Credentialing Excellence for Assisted Stretching. One of the main reasons she chose this field is to be able to help people achieve a higher quality of life. She truly enjoys learning about the human body and what a balanced life can do. On her free time, you can find Lupita weightlifting and practicing yoga.


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